School of Architecture

Bird Santuary


Work by Riya Sinha, MS Architecture and Urban Design ’19

Pratt Campus and Classroom photos.

Work by Emin Khananayev, BArch ’20, and Sidhant Seth, BArch ’20
We see the design, planning, and management of the built environment as tools for addressing the critical issues of our time—from social justice to the climate crisis. As a student at the School of Architecture, you’ll build the skills and knowledge you need to respond to these complex and evolving challenges in a uniquely versatile, innovative, and ethical way. As you do, our goal is to prepare you to lead a life of consequence within each discipline, both today and beyond.
Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs
Facilities Management, MS
Historic Preservation, MS
Master of Architecture (M.Arch/First Professional)
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
Master of Science in Architecture (Post Professional)
Master of Science in Urban Design (Post Professional)
Real Estate Practice, MS
Sustainable Environmental Systems, MS
Urban and Community Planning, MS
Urban Placemaking and Management, MS
Facilities Management, Minor
Community Planning, Advanced Certificate
Historic Preservation, Advanced Certificate
Sustainable Environmental Systems, Advanced Certificate
Urban Placemaking, Advanced Certificate

News from the School of Architecture

SoA Faculty Emily Young and Alum David Paraschiv Design Installation for 2025 Venice Biennale with Terreform ONE

Vertical Urban Utopias Studio Hosts a Workshop with CTBUH New York Chapter’s Members

Canada Council for the Arts Selects SoA Graduate Student Fabio Lima for 2025 Venice Architecture Biennale Fellowship

Through discussion, debate, and design exploration, we discover the bounds of the built/unbuilt/rebuilt environment and imagine the iterations of what could be.
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Management all provide opportunities to solve complex and intriguing problems. Using a wide range of technologies, methodologies, and engagement processes, you’ll explore and expand the bounds of your discipline. As you do, you’ll use your expertise to empower the public through the co-creation and curation of sustainable spaces, communities, and habitats.