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HMS-407P Queer Archives

3 Credits

  • HMS-407P-01


    2:00 pm – 4:50 pm

    Engineering Building, 115

This course studies queer archives in the traditional sense as collections of historical materials, but also focuses on queer media methodologies and aesthetic practices for engaging with these materials. Since the queer archive is marked by absence-gaps in knowledge due to the historical erasure of trans, lesbian, intersex, and nonbinary people-artists and thinkers who take up these histories rely on speculation, fabulation, and experimentation. Studying film, literature, video essays, performances, and theory, this course considers methods used by contemporary artists and thinkers who grapple with the materiality and ephemerality of the queer past. Areas of focus include queer-of-color archival methodologies, trans media temporalities, and experimental archival practices.