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Accessibility at Pratt

Pratt is committed to providing equal and effective access for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for individuals with disabilities, including chronic illness, in a fair and equitable manner, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law. Requests for accommodations should be made reasonably in advance of an appointment or program, to allow sufficient time to make any necessary modifications to ensure the relevant classes, programs or activities are readily accessible.


Please contact The Learning/Access Center at

The Learning/Access Center is available to all Pratt students confidentially, with additional resources and information to facilitate full access to all classrooms, residence, campus programs and/or activities and provide support related to any other disability-related matters. The L/AC is located in the ISC Building, Room 104.

Faculty and Staff

Please contact Human Resources at

Human Resources is available to Pratt employees, confidentially, needing a reasonable accommodation or regarding any other needs or issues related to accessibility on campus and is located in Myrtle Hall, 2nd Floor.

Accessibility Tools and Resources

OCR Video Series

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is proud to announce a video series covering a variety of topics on digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology, applicable Federal regulations, and identifying and remediating barriers to access.  Whether you are in the educational field or not, these videos have wide ranging coverage for those who want to know: What makes technology accessible for individuals with disabilities? And how can I make my site or platform more accessible?

Accessing Higher Ground Virtual Conference 2023 Videos 

The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) holds yearly informational conferences called Accessing Higher Ground. These conferences focus on the implementation and benefits of: 

  • Accessible media, Universal Design and Assistive Technology in the university, business and public setting 
  • Legal and policy issues, including ADA and 508 compliance
  • The creation of accessible media and information resources, including web pages and library resources. For institutions of higher education there is a strong focus on campus accommodation and policies, alternate format production, Universal Design, and curriculum accessibility.

The Learning/Access Center is pleased to offer access to the 2023 recorded conference sessions on a first come, first served basis. The list of virtual sessions can be viewed here. If you are interested in a user license, please email the Learning/Access at for more information.

WCAG 2.1

How to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities

Universal Design Resource

Website with resources on how to make learning universally accessible

DEI Disability Resources Guide

The Pratt Institute Libraries’ and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’s (DEI) collaborative Disability Resources LibGuide

Computer Accessibility Features

Accessibility Town Halls

  • 2023 Accessibility Town Hall: Slides
  • 2022 Accessibility Town Hall: Slides
  • 2022 Accessibility Town Hall: Recording
  • 2020 Accessibility Town Hall: Slides

Upcoming Events

  • Accessibility Town Hall, Fall 2024 – TBA