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Accessibility Advisory Committee

Students sit in a painting studio as a professor lectures on 5 paintings shown at the front of the classroom.

The Pratt Accessibility Task Force was convened in 2015 and recommended hiring a consultant to evaluate campus accessibility. In 2016 United Spinal Associates was hired to conduct a facilities accessibility study. The Task Force reconvened, bringing together campus administrators to address the findings of the evaluation. In 2017 the Task Force was officially charged and later renamed the Accessibility Advisory Committee in 2018. 

The Accessibility Advisory Committee is responsible for:

  • Using the accessibility assessment conducted by the American Spinal Association to develop a comprehensive plan for the improvement of the physical environment including priorities for implementation;
  • Recommending actions, policies, and practices needed to improve access to campus facilities and programs, and advising the appropriate individuals responsible for the implementation of those improvements.
  • Making recommendations to ensure all of Pratt’s electronic and information technologies are accessible to all individuals who wish to access them, and that accessibility is addressed in connection with the implementation and ongoing maintenance of all existing and new electronic and information technology acquisitions.
  • When appropriate, engaging consultants with specific subject matter expertise to assist with the implementation of the committee’s recommendations.
  • Communicating new and revised policies related to accessibility to the Pratt community;
  • Communication and engagement with the campus community regarding the committee’s work.