The Pratt Accessibility Task Force was convened in 2015 and recommended hiring a consultant to evaluate campus accessibility. In 2016 United Spinal Associates was hired to conduct a facilities accessibility study. The Task Force reconvened, bringing together campus administrators to address the findings of the evaluation. In 2017 the Task Force was officially charged and later renamed the Accessibility Advisory Committee in 2018.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee is responsible for:
Using the accessibility assessment conducted by the American Spinal Association to develop a comprehensive plan for the improvement of the physical environment including priorities for implementation;
Recommending actions, policies, and practices needed to improve access to campus facilities and programs, and advising the appropriate individuals responsible for the implementation of those improvements.
Making recommendations to ensure all of Pratt’s electronic and information technologies are accessible to all individuals who wish to access them, and that accessibility is addressed in connection with the implementation and ongoing maintenance of all existing and new electronic and information technology acquisitions.
When appropriate, engaging consultants with specific subject matter expertise to assist with the implementation of the committee’s recommendations.
Communicating new and revised policies related to accessibility to the Pratt community;
Communication and engagement with the campus community regarding the committee’s work.
Elisabeth Sullivan, Director of Learning/Access Center and 504 Coordinator
Elizabeth Berg, Associate Director for Access Services, Library
Chris Gavlick, Chief Facilities Officer, Office of Facilities Management
Jolene Travis, Assistant Vice President for Communications
Russ Abell, Director of Libraries
Rod Bowman, Assistant Vice President for Campus Safety & Preparedness
Renae Govinda, Program Manager, The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Zach Slanger, Instructional Designer, Inclusivity and Academic Success
Charlotte Savidge – Charlotte Savidge, Director, Communications
Darelle Daniels, Access Coordinator, Learning/Access Center
Alex Weiss Hills, Developer, Communications and Marketing
Delmy Lendof, Vice President for Student Affairs
Jazmin Peralta, Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Kimberlae Saul, Director of Planning and Design
Dan Simonette Senior Employee and Labor Relations Specialist, Human Resources
Tuan Vu, Director of Housing
Hannah Fountain-Pileggi, User Experience and Web Services Librarian • Library
Renee Burillo, Director of Planning & Construction, Office of Facilities Management
Indrani Thool, Grad Information Experience Design
Thomas Greene, Director of Legal Affairs
Dennis Mazone, Assistant Vice President of Campus Safety and Preparedness (GONE)
Luke Phillips, Registrar
Kalinka Rogashka, Sr. Manager of Custodial and Buildings Maintenance, Office of Facilities Management
Leslie Gerber, Associate Registrar Courses and Curriculum, Registrar’s Office
Peter Hernandez, Associate Director of Public Safety, Public Safety
Joseph Della Monica, Director of Public Safety
David Frisco, Executive Director of Creative Services, Communications and Marketing
Nicole Barnes – Marketing
Christopher Keating, Print and Digital Production Manager, Communications and Marketing
Faculty Representation:
Ciclón, Instructor, Social Science & Cultural Studies
Nicholas Dease, Digital Learning Librarian, Visiting Assistant Professor, Library, School of Information
Rose M Kampert, Adjunct Professor – CCE, Fashion Design
Rachel Levitsky, Professor, Writing
Elæ Moss, Adjunct Professor, Humanities & Media Studies
Pamela Pavliscak, Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Information
Julia Steinmetz, Assistant Professor, Humanities & Media Studies
Yutaka Takiura, Visiting Associate Professor, Design Management
Student Representation:
Sara Almai, Graduate Library and Information Science
Eugene Brukhman, Undergraduate Industrial Design
M.J. Fischer, Undergraduate Writing
Jayden Fosburg, Undergraduate Game Arts, Foundation Fine Arts
Emma Vall, Undergraduate Film, Foundation Fine Arts
Vishal Vanka, Undergraduate Industrial Design, Foundation Fine Arts
Staff Representation:
Caroline Kasnakian, Director of Counseling Center
Jason LeConey, Associate Director for Housing Operations
P Aurora Robinson, Higher Education Opportunities Program Counselor, Tutor, HEOP
Deborah Yanagisawa, Associate Director of Career Development and Engagement
Improved wheelchair access to the Engineering Building, Chapel Hall, and Main Building by installing code-compliant ramps for both buildings
Making the classrooms, offices, studios, galleries, workshops, the chapel, the radio station, and campus ministries accessible
Temporary ramp installed in Willoughby Hall to provide access to Residential Life Office, Health Services, and No Name Cafe programming space
Relocated Counseling to an accessible space in the ISC Building
Repairs completed to worst trip hazards, as identified by American Spinal Associates
Relocated the Learning/Access Center to an accessible space
Made the bathroom on the first floor of the ISC accessible
Created a new campus map that identifies accessible routes on campus
Engaged signage consultants to create accessible route signage
Renovations to the Student Union make it almost fully accessible (one conference room and the control room are not accessible)
Installed elevator/lift in ARC to make 2nd floor accessible, including the weight room and adjacent yoga studio and all fitness classes
Created nine accessible single rooms in the new first-year student residence hall
Creating wheelchair-accessible seating in Memorial Hall Auditorium
In accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) standards, Interactive Services identified and addressed the majority of accessibility issues on that were discovered during two accessibility audits. Minor outstanding issues reference design choices that are necessary to adhere to Pratt’s branding and identity. However, all content is accessible through acceptable alternatives.
Ensured information regarding accessibility is readily available:
The Pratt website includes information on the accessibility of various programs and campus spaces.
The room reservation process now includes information regarding the accessibility of spaces.
All public events provide information about the accessibility of the program.
A process to review all events and activities to ensure accessibility has been implemented.
Made Pratt store items available in accessible space in the cafeteria
Dekalb Gallery had a ramp installed to make it fully accessible
Items in Progress:
Willoughby Lobby is being redesigned to make all of Willoughby Hall accessible
Pratt House is being evaluated for how to make it accessible