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Middle States Accreditation

Pratt Institute is an accredited institution, and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) Pratt Institute’s accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status in 2024 was to reaffirm the institution for accreditation status. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.

The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2031–32.


Central to the accreditation process is a self-study, which reflects on institutional priorities, standards established by Middle States, and requirements of affiliation, including federal regulations. The self-study reports analytically-based inquiry and reflection on these points; conclusions, including strengths and challenges, with references to these criteria; and opportunities for ongoing institutional improvement. 

Supplemental Information Reports

Middle States periodically requests out-of-cycle supplemental information reports on specific topics. Reports submitted since the last accreditation visit are available below.