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Safety and Prevention

Pratt’s Department of Campus Safety routinely provides community members with valuable safety resources, training, crime prevention lectures, and discussions. We also conduct safety workshops throughout the academic year. Please contact Campus Safety at 718-636-3540 or for additional information or your residence hall RA to schedule a workshop. 

Staying Safe

In the event of an emergency on campus, contact the Pratt Department of Campus Safety. If you need to call 911 for an emergency, do so, and then contact Pratt Campus Safety. The Campus Safety team will quickly locate your whereabouts on campus and direct needed emergency service providers to you. Please remember, when calling 911 from a campus landline telephone, you must first dial a “9” and then 911. The Department of Campus Safety strives to heighten students’ awareness about taking responsibility for their personal safety. Although 24-hour coverage is provided by the Department of Campus Safety, each individual student must make conscious decisions daily that involve personal safety. For example, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Do not walk around the neighborhood/campus alone after dark.
  • Do not leave the door to your room/apartment unlocked, whether you are home or not.
  • Keep pocketbooks and bookbags secure at all times.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or an abundance of exposed jewelry in public places and put your phone away when walking off-campus or using mass transit.
  • If you carry a wallet, never carry it in your back pocket. Front pants and shirt pockets are much more difficult for the pickpocket.
  • Be suspicious of anyone approaching you and trying to distract you. Pickpockets usually work in teams.
  • Remember that no property is worth getting seriously injured over. If you find yourself a victim of a crime, remain calm and go to a safe place. Try and get a good description of the person committing the crime and call 911 immediately.
Residence Halls
  • Never leave an exterior building or residence hall door propped open.
  • Room doors should be locked even when a student leaves for a short period of time.
  • Keys should be carried at all times and never given to others.
  • Valuables such as laptops, iPads, cell phones, jewelry, large amounts of money, and other valuables should be kept out of view and safely secured.
Classrooms, Studios, Library, Cafeteria, etc.
  • Do not leave laptops, charging cords, iPads, and other electronic equipment, bags, supplies, etc. unattended for even the shortest period of time.
  • Do not fall asleep, sit alone, or utilize empty classrooms.
Public Transit Safety

Due to increased incidents at NYC subway stations, platforms, and subway cars throughout the city, Pratt’s Department of Campus Safety team would like you to take this opportunity to review the following.

  • Always be alert and stay in communication. Safety is both an individual and community-wide effort. 
  • When using public transportation, take measures such as:
  • Look for subway entrances indicated by green bulbs, versus red bulbs, which indicate an exit only.
  • Ride in subway cars near the conductor, which is indicated by the zebra-striped bar the conductor points to when pulling into a station. 
  • Pre-load an NYC transit app, such as MYmta, to check routes and times.
  • Have your phone or MetroCard available for payment.
  • Sit in the center of the car, away from the door, to avoid bags or jewelry being snatched.
  • Stand away from the subway platform edge and not traveling alone are valuable tips for protecting yourself and those traveling with you.
  • Do not listen to music while on the subway, so you can always be aware of your surroundings.
  • There are also other important campus resources made available by the Institute, such as Mobile Bluelight, Friend Walk, and Virtual Walk home, via the Pratt Safe app. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these safety resources.
Vehicle Safety
  • The number one reason vehicles are broken into is electronic devices, valuables, and packages inside the vehicle being in plain view where criminals can see them.
  • Be aware that electronic devices that use suction cups to mount to the windshield leave a ring from the suction cup on the windshield, which is a telltale sign for criminals that a valuable electronic device may be stored inside the vehicle.
  • Always lock your vehicle and remove your keys.
  • Always park in well-lighted areas and park as close as you can to the building and door you plan to enter.
Personal Safety
  • When traveling in the evening, travel with a companion. There is safety in numbers.
  • Consider using a car service after hours.
  • Avoid dark and deserted streets and do not use shortcuts.
  • Keep electronic devices, earphones, and jewelry hidden.
  • Travel on well-lighted streets.
  • If you must carry large sums of money, divide it between your bag, pockets, and wallet.
  • Try to only use ATMs at bank branches and avoid using ATMs in convenience stores.
  • Don’t wait until you reach the door to your home before locating your keys; have them ready, in your hand.
Lost and Found Property

Lost property may be surrendered to the Department of Campus Safety administrative office (Room 105, Engineering Bldg) or the Department of Campus Safety Control Booth at Grand and Willoughby Avenues. The Department of Campus Safety will make every attempt to contact the owners of recovered/found property. However, if after 30 days the property remains unclaimed, we will dispose of it. This policy also applies to unclaimed bicycles.


Safety in the City Booklet