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New York State Sex Offender Registry

The Sex Offender Registration Act requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to maintain a sex offender registry. The Registry contains information on sex offenders classified according to their risk of re-offending: level 1 (low-risk), level 2 (moderate-risk), and level 3 (high-risk). 

The DCJS Sex Offender Registry site contains their subdirectory of level 2 and level 3 offenders, as well as, other information regarding New York State’s Sex Offender Registry.

Sex offenders registered in New York State are now required to notify the Registry of any institution of higher education at which he or she is or expects to be enrolled, attending, or employed, regardless of compensation or intended residence on or off campus. Changes in status at the institution must also be reported to the Registry no later than ten days after such change.

Once notified by DCJS of any registered sex offender enrolled or employed at the Institute, the Pratt Department of Campus Safety will follow procedures to notify the Institute community.

Visit Pratt’s on-campus sex offender reporting and registry page.

Synopsis of some of the basic laws pertaining to the Sexual Offender Registry.

Correction Law § 168-b requires:

  • The Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) include this information regarding an institution of higher education on its Registry

Correction Law § 168-c requires:

  • The Department of Correctional Services, or hospital or local correctional facility in which a sex offender is confined, require that such sex offender complete a form notifying DCJS of his or her proposed address upon release and any institution of higher education at which the offender expects to be enrolled, attending or employed, and whether he or she expects to reside in a facility owned by the institution
  • A probation officer require that a supervised sex offender complete a form notifying DCJS of any change of address or any change of status in enrollment, attendance, employment or residence at any institution of higher education while under supervision

Correction Law § 168-d requires:

  • The court to obtain the name and address of any institution of higher education at which the offender expects to be employed, enrolled or attending and whether the offender expects to reside in a facility owned or operated by that institution

Correction Law § 168-e requires:

  • A sex offender released from a correctional facility to provide the name and address of any institution of higher education the offender expects to be employed by, enrolled at or attending and whether the offender expects to reside in a facility owned or operated by that institution

Correction Law § 168-j (4) and (5) set forth:

  • The notification procedures whenever a sex offender has indicated to DCJS that he or she will be enrolled in, attending or employed at an institution of higher education; and DCJS will notify each law enforcement agency having jurisdiction