Construction Updates
Stay informed about construction projects across Pratt, as they may affect access to buildings and facilities.
Who We Are
The Office of Facilities Management provides the staffing, supplies and resources to maintain the buildings and grounds at Pratt Institute. Our goal is to deliver the best quality and services in support of the Institute’s Mission. The mission of the department is to plan, design, construct, and maintain comfortable, attractive buildings in a safe and clean physical environment for Pratt Institute students, faculty, staff, and guests.
Our Mission
To deliver the best service across all departments of facilities management. Through the use of best practices, standardized procedures, sustainability initiatives in pursuit of a safe, healthy and inclusive environment for the Pratt Institute. To be the stewards of the historic campus while updating the buildings and infrastructure in support of the Pratt Institute strategic plan.
Christopher Gavlick Executive Director/Chief Facilities Officer cgavlick@pratt.edu | Alex Driker Director of Maintenance & Operations adriker@pratt.edu | Renee Burillo Director of Planning & Construction | Anthony Gelber Director of Energy Management & Sustainability argelber@pratt.edu |
Paul Fallon Sr. Manager Mechanical System pfallon@pratt.edu | Kalinka Rogashka Sr. Manager Custodial & Building Maintenance krogashk@pratt.edu | Keisha Hall Manager Dormitory Operations klynch2@pratt.edu | Diego Martinez Manager of Evening Custodial & Building Maintenance dmarti12@pratt.edu |
Richard Liegey Building Operations Facilities Manager & Fire Safety Manager Myrtle Hall, 100 Grand Ave & Film & Video rliegey@pratt.edu | Agustin Heredia Building Operations Facilities Manager & Fire Safety Manager Higgins Hall aheredia@pratt.edu | Cedric Jackson Building Operations Facilities Manager Pratt Manhattan Center cjackson@pratt.edu | Maureen Schneider Sr. Construction Project Manager/Owner’s Representative mschne81@pratt.edu |
Alyssa Roban Campus Space Planner/ Interior Designer aroban@pratt.edu | Neysha Mejia Project Manager nmejia@pratt.edu | William Petrillo Project Manager wpetrill@pratt.edu | Wasique Safin Facilities Project Planner wsafin@pratt.edu |
Dorette Nunez Facilities Administrator/Quality Assurance Coordinator dnunez2@pratt.edu | Irina Tyurina Inventory Control Specialist ityurina@pratt.edu | John Pringle Superintendent 215 Willoughby Ave jpringle@pratt.edu | Angelica Matos Administrative Secretary amatos@pratt.edu |
Gerald Herrera Data Entry Clerk gherrera@pratt.edu | Reginald Glenn Assistant Inventory Control Coordinator rglenn@pratt.edu | Taneiysha Cole Coordinator of Operations/Administrative Assistant tcole166@pratt.edu | Ana Hernandez Assistant Manager of Dormitory Maintenance & Ops aher1294@pratt.edu |
Osvaldo (Eddie) Luna Assistant Senior Manager of Mechanical Systems losvaldo@pratt.edu |
OFM Org Chart
Service Requests
Work Order Requests
Did you know the Office of Facilities Management receives over 900 service requests a month? That is about 215 per week or more than 11,000 per year. Help the Office of Facilities Management to improve our service and response time by using the online work order system. Accessed via the Pratt web portal, the online system is easy to use and filled with user-friendly functionality:
• submit work and service requests online using your onekey credentials,
• receive real time assignment of work orders with updates on status and scheduling,
• use the review function to update service order requests and check your work order history.
To Submit a New Work Order/Service Request:
Standard Work Orders and Service Requests should be submitted online using onePratt via www.Pratt.edu (Pratt onekey username and password required).
1) from the onePratt dashboard click the Contact Support button or use https://one.pratt.edu/s/contactsupport
2) from the Help page select: Contact Facilities
3) You will be directed to the Pratt Institute work request welcome page
4) enter the service needed using the work request form.
***For emergencies or urgent request, please contact the Facilities Helpdesk at 718-636-3579.
Option (2) two is to:
1.Launch the Pratt Safe App.
2. Select ‘Support Resources’
3. Select ‘Submit a Facilities Work Order’
4. Enter onekey username and password to log in.
5. Complete and submit work order.
For Pratt Manhattan Center (PMC)
Office Hours
Normal Business Hours: Monday–Friday (8 AM–4 PM)
Evening/Night Shift Hours: Monday–Friday (4 PM–11 PM; 11 PM–7 AM)
After Hours or Emergencies
After 11pm or on weekends, emergencies may be called in to the Pratt Department of Campus Safety and Security. They will get in touch with someone on duty.
During School Work Coverage
During the school year our staff is on duty seven days per week, 24 hours per day to handle routine cleaning of dorms, office areas, academic buildings, and dining halls as well as handling any emergencies that may occur.
During Summer Work Coverage
During the summer months, our staff is on duty seven days per week between the hours of 7:30 AM through 4 PM; and 4 PM through 11 PM. We also provide emergency service between the hours of 11 PM and 7:30 AM.