Maintenance Services
Facilities Maintenance services is responsible for a comprehensive, Institute-wide program to identify and carry out necessary maintenance and repair of our facilities. Facilities provide detailed inspections to evaluate the maintenance condition of facilities and to identify any necessary corrective work.
In addition, a computer-based preventive maintenance program, under which facility components, equipment, systems are inspected, tested, and serviced on a scheduled basis, covers most Institute facilities. Required periodic tests of elevators, fire protection systems, boilers, and pressure vessels are performed in accordance with applicable codes and regulations. While these tests and inspection programs identify the majority of the Institute’s maintenance and repair work, additional deficiencies should he reported immediately to the Facilities Management service desk.
Maintenance, repair, and building renewal projects costing between $10,000 and $500,000 are normally funded through Pratt Institutes deferred maintenance. These projects include roofing repairs or replacement, correction of structural defects, replacement or repair of installed utilities and distribution systems, and other high cost items that cannot be funded in the operating budget.
Exterior and interior painting is scheduled on a cyclical basis, modified when necessary, based on actual need and funding availability. Every effort is made to program exterior painting frequently enough to avoid deterioration of facilities. Interior painting schedules are typically more limited by the availability of funds. Special interior color schemes axe developed for major public spaces of the Institute. For all other scheduled interior painting, surfaces are normally repainted in the same color. For major renovations, colors may be selected from a series of standard color schemes.
Facilities Management is prepared to plan and carry out renovation, alteration, amid improvement of the Institute’s academic and residential facilities as needed to accommodate new or changed programs. Such work is normally funded by the requesting organization. For a requestor planning and budget purposes, Facilities Managements Operations Department will develop an estimated budget on request. If the work is of significant magnitude, the Facilities Management and Facilities Planning will develop a preliminary investigation report (PIR). The PIR provides a preliminary scope of work and estimated costs.
Facilities Management provides maintenance for the existing fire safety systems and equipment. Expansion, modification, or improvement of existing fire safety systems or equipment is financially the responsibility of the requesting department. Installation and maintenance of these systems or equipment for the Facility are performed on a cost reimbursable basis.
Facilities Management provides a planned program of grounds care that includes turf and tree maintenance; care of shrubs and plantings; garbage removal from the campus and cleanup of the grounds; and road and walkway repair, cleaning, snow and ice removal.
Custodial Services
The Custodial Services of the Facilities Management Office is dedicated to providing a clean and hazard free environment for the Pratt Community, thus enhancing the quality of life on campus.
Our mangers and staff bring with them a wide variety of knowledge and talent that allows them to provide routine cleaning responsibilities as well as providing a responsive service designed to meet your needs.
In part, our mission is to provide responsive service to meet your needs, and to enhance the quality of life on campus.
DDC Systems
The DDC System operates a computer-based energy management system that remotely monitors and controls heating and cooling in many of the Institute’s academic buildings. Additionally Residential Life buildings are being brought online as the budget allows.
The Center also monitors other equipment and systems, a service that can be valuable to researchers and others who require continuous monitoring of environmental conditions or equipment. Facilities Management can provide this remote monitoring in most Institute buildings on request. In addition to initial sensor installation costs, there is a monthly cost based on the number of points monitored. Departments with special monitoring requirements are encouraged to contact the Facilities Department.
The Power Plant operator receives all afterhours service calls, and dispatches maintenance personnel when required. The operator also initiates contact with other Institute and non-Institute personnel in response to various emergency situations. Security monitors fire and smoke detection systems. The Security Department in conjunction with the Facilities Department maintains the fire and smoke detection systems.
Customer Service Work Order Request
Emergency and service work requests are received at the Customer Service Desk from 7:30 AM–5 PM, by telephone at 718.636.3579, or e-mail facility@pratt.edu. This might include cleaning, repair work, etc. After-hours emergency and service calls should be directed to security at 718.636.3540
Please visit our online service request form.