Pratt offers two types of tuition benefits for employees and their family members that provide first-rate educational opportunities at little cost to the employee. Many Pratt employees take advantage of these benefits to further their own education and pursue degrees at Pratt and many have also realized dramatic savings on their children’s education through these benefits.
Tuition Remission allows employees as well as eligible dependents to enroll at Pratt Institute free of tuition.
Tuition Exchange allows children of eligible full-time Pratt employees to apply for scholarships at over 600 participating colleges and universities through Tuition Exchange These scholarships are available only to dependent children of employees at participating schools.

Tuition Remission
Eligible employees and employee dependents may enroll in Pratt Institute courses free of tuition. All employees, excluding faculty, must complete at least three months of employment with Pratt Institute prior to becoming eligible for Tuition Remission. Part-time adjunct faculty must complete at least 10 semesters of employment prior to becoming eligible. Students enrolled at Pratt through Tuition Remission are responsible for any applicable student fees and are subject to the same course entry, academic standing, and personal conduct requirements as other students.
- Regular full-time employees, receive a tuition remission benefit with 9 credits per semester and 24 credits per year for the employee’s own courses.
- Regular part-time employees, excluding part-time faculty, receive a maximum tuition remission benefit of 4 credits per semester, and 12 credits per year for the employee’s own courses.
- Part-time adjunct faculty receive a pro-rated tuition remission benefit based on the previous semester’s workload.
- Courses may not conflict with an employee’s work schedule.
Spouses and dependent children of employees in the following classifications may be eligible for tuition remission:
- Regular full-time administrator (i.e. non bargaining unit)
- Full-time faculty and part-time adjunct faculty who have completed 10 or more semesters of employment (represented by UFCT Local 1460)
- Regular full-time clerical and technical employees (represented by OPEIU, Local 153)
- Full-time security officers (represented by OPEIU, Local 153)
Tuition Remission for spouses and dependent children is subject to the following restrictions:
- Tuition Remission for dependents is limited to undergraduate courses only.
- Dependent children must be unmarried and matriculate before age 21. Eligibility ceases upon reaching age 25.
- The maximum tuition remission benefit for eligible dependents is 18 credits per semester, including 18 credits during the full summer session.
- Tuition Remission for eligible dependent children of non-faculty employees is limited to 20% prior to completion of one year of employment and 40% prior to two years of employment. Following completion of two years of employment, the benefit is 100% of the maximum number of credits.
- Tuition Remission for eligible spouses of non-faculty employees is available only after completion of one year of employment and is limited to 20% prior to completion of two years of employment and 40% prior to three years of employment. Following completion of three years of employment, the maximum benefit for eligible spouses is 50% of the maximum number of credits.
- Tuition Remission for eligible dependent children and spouses of part-time adjunct faculty is pro-rated based on the previous semester’s workload.
Tuition Remission is valid only while the employee is actively employed by Pratt Institute and a student may be responsible for payment of tuition if the employment terminates during the semester.
More information and answers to frequently asked questions concerning Tuition Remission are available in the Tuition Remisssion FAQs document below.
Tuition Exchange
The Tuition Exchange (TE) is a national consortium of over 600 participating colleges and universities that offer scholarships on a reciprocal basis to dependent children of eligible employees employed by participating institutions. General information, as well as a list of participating schools, may be found on the tuition exchange website,
Tuition Exchange establishes a “set rate” of the scholarship each academic year. If the “set rate” is less than a participating institution’s tuition, it may choose to offer full tuition coverage to TE scholarship recipients or charge recipients for the balance of tuition beyond the “set rate.” The “set rate” for the 2009â2010 academic year is $29,000 and for 2010â2011 it is $30,000.
Employees who wish to apply for a TE scholarship at a participating institution must apply through their employer. TE Application forms are available from Pratt Human Resources for Pratt employees. The application must be submitted no later than February 1st preceding the academic year of the student’s matriculation. However participating institutions may have an earlier deadline. Employees are responsible for meeting the deadline of the participating institution. Students must also separately apply for admission to the participating institution.
Each participating institution establishes the criteria for the award of its TE scholarships. TE scholarships are not guaranteed for eligible employees and are subject to the individual schools requirements. Pratt awards a limited number of TE scholarships each year based on academic merit as determined by the Admissions department. TE applications for students to attend Pratt must be received no later than the deadline for application for admission, February 1. The number of TE slots available each year is based on Pratt’s credit balance within the consortium. Therefore, it is possible that there will be a limit on the number of employees who can use the program in a given year.
Dependent children of Pratt employees in the following classifications are eligible:
- Regular full-time administrator (i.e. non bargaining unit)
- Regular full-time faculty (represented by UFCT Local 1460)
- Regular full-time clerical and technical employees (represented by OPEIU, Local 153)
- Full-time security officers (represented by OPEIU, Local 153)
- Full-time Facilities employees (represented by NCFO, Local 311)
Dependent children must be unmarried and matriculate before age 21. Eligibility ceases upon reaching age 25 and students are subject to the same course entry, academic standing, and personal conduct requirements as other students.
Non-faculty employees must complete two years of employment prior to becoming eligible for Tuition Exchange.
Tuition Exchange is available for undergraduate study only and a maximum of eight (8) semesters. It covers tuition for courses only during the fall and spring semesters.
Tuition Exchange is valid only while the employee is actively employed by the participating institution, and a student may be responsible for payment of tuition if the employment terminates during the semester.
Using your Pratt Institute Tuition Remission Benefit
Tuition Remission Form for Non-Faculty Spouse or Dependent