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COVID Care for Pratt Faculty and Staff

Sorry you’re not feeling well and have tested positive for COVID-19.  We want to make sure you understand your responsibilities and the resources available to you as a Pratt faculty or staff member.

Please begin by completing the COVID Reporting Form. Upon completion you will receive email confirmation of your isolation period and instructions on how to prepare for your return to campus. It is important that a Human Resources staff member receives this form as it may also affect your sick or personal day accruals.

In addition to informing HR, 

  • Staff members are required to notify their supervisor if they test positive for COVID-19. 
  • Faculty members should notify their department chair.


  • Faculty and staff members who test positive for COVID-19 and have symptoms are required to isolate right away. You must stay home until you have no fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine and your other COVID-19 symptoms are getting better.

Returning to Work

Faculty and staff members may return to on-campus work once symptoms have improved AND they are fever-free without taking medication to suppress the fever. For 5 full days after isolation, faculty and staff members should wear a well-fitting, high quality mask when on campus.

Faculty and staff members who are able to perform their work from home, and who are asymptomatic or feeling well enough, should do so in consultation with their supervisor or chair.

Faculty or staff members who are not able to work from home will be paid for their time out while in isolation following the NYS guidelines. Pratt provides COVID-19 paid leaves courtesy of NYS. Contact the benefits department if you require further assistance with your sick leave.