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Travel Guidelines for OPT and STEM OPT

Read OIA’s response to FAQ on international travel and the U.S. presidental transition on January 20

Alumni on post-completion OPT or the STEM extension remain in F-1 status throughout OPT. If you travel abroad in this period, you re-enter the U.S. in F-1 status. You are eligible to re-apply for an F-1 visa if needed. You should remember that entry to the U.S. in F-1 status and visa approval require that you demonstrate non-immigrant, temporary intent in the U.S.

Some people get confused or worried because their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card may say, “Not valid for reentry to U.S.” This means the card cannot be used to enter the U.S. alone by itself. The EAD card must be presented in addition to other immigration documents, like valid F-1 visa and signed I-20, for re-entry to the U.S.

ICE FAQ – Travel and OPT

Q: Can I re-enter if my request for OPT is pending?

A: Yes, but traveling during this time should be undertaken with caution. USCIS may send you a request for evidence while you are away, however, so you would want to make sure you have provided a correct U.S. address both to your DSO and on the application and would be able to send in requested documents. Also, if USCIS approves your OPT application, you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States. Like a request for further information, USCIS can only send the EAD to your U.S. address.

Q: Can I reenter if I left while on OPT?

A: If USCIS has approved your OPT you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States, in addition to your Form I-20, valid passport and visa, and a letter of employment if you have one. If you exceed the limits on unemployment while outside the United States, you will not be eligible to re-enter the United States in F-1 status.