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F-1 international students who are returning after a leave of absence or readmission need to follow OIA’s instructions to apply for a new SEVIS I-20. Your previous I-20 is no longer valid and you should not attempt to enter the U.S. with it.

You will need an “initial” I-20 with a new SEVIS ID, and you will need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee again. You will also need to complete OIA Arrival Check-in after your return to F-1 status

I-20 forms are issued with Fall or Spring semester start dates. You should consult with your academic/department advisor about whether appropriate courses are available for the term you wish to return, because full-time enrollment requirements apply. 

If you have an unexpired F-1 visa, it will still be valid and usable with your new I-20. The five-month rule does not apply to F-1 visas and it is ok that the SEVIS ID is different. 

If your previous F-1 visa has expired, you will need to make plans for visa renewal at your local U.S. consulate, after you get your I-20 and before your entry to the U.S.


1) Check your onePratt for any holds on your account. If you have a hold, you need to troubleshoot it and get it removed before you can get a new I-20 and/or register for classes.

2) If your OneKey is deactivated, contact the Technology Desk for assistance.

3) If you have an outstanding tuition balance, you need to resolve that with Student Financial Services.

4) If you left without requesting a leave of absence, you will need to apply for readmission.

5) If your leave of absence expiration date has passed, you will need to request activation of your academic status by writing to the Registrar.

6) Graduate students who have been away from Pratt for more than two semesters will be tested again for English proficiency. For more information, contact the Intensive English Program (IEP).