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Our integrated program intertwines studio thinking with learning theories and current research in the field. You'll develop a firm grounding in the arts and design disciplines with expertise in pedagogical strategies and teaching techniques. Conceptual innovation in education design—from lessons to curricula, projects, and programs—are combined with students' own interests and experiences.
two students, in classroom, talking
Kelvin Tse, MA Art and Design Education, 2023
School and Department
School of Art,
Art and Design Education

The Advanced Certificate in Art and Design Education with initial New York State teacher certification (visual arts, all grades) is a 24-credit program open to individuals who already hold an MFA degree, or to those currently enrolled in an MFA program at Pratt. It may be completed in three semesters. It is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools and other educational settings. Through the integration of studio knowledge with art and design education theory and instructional practices this

intellectually challenging program helps students to test ideas, develop a personal teaching style, and explore research questions through participation and observation. Students thus get opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers, community members, and professionals in the field, while they learn to develop lessons and projects that promote their pupil’s critical inquiry and creative practice. As reflective practitioners and researchers, students are prepared to work effectively in diverse

cultural contexts and to apply interdisciplinary perspectives in a variety of educational settings.


The Advanced Certificate in Art and Design Education offers an advanced experience for artists interested in joining a top-ranked art and design school which has been preparing professionals to lead the field of art and design education K-12 for more than a century.

Teaching Experience

Students take courses that immerse them in fieldwork and student teaching in K-12 public schools and other settings. In these practice-led teaching experiences students learn to apply their knowledge of learners, their belief in their pupil’s ability to learn, and their cultural awareness to planning and instruction. Students get opportunities to work collaboratively within school and community contexts to promote culturally relevant pedagogy and equitable learning opportunities.

Saturday Art School

Since 1897, Pratt Institute’s Saturday Art School has been offering a broad range of classes for children and teens. Students in the Department of Art and Design Education teach in Saturday Art School, a teaching and learning laboratory school for children and teens from Brooklyn’s many neighborhoods; classes are taught by students who are supervised by faculty. Students learn to integrate their studio knowledge in the planning and teaching of studio-based projects over the course of the semester culminating in a curated exhibition.

Certification Requirements

Our programs are recognized by New York State Education Department (NYSED) as “approved teacher preparation program(s)” and as such prepare students to meet the requirements of Initial Certification in Visual Art, Grades Pre-K-12. In order to be recommended for New York State Education Department (NYSED) Initial Certification in Visual Arts (all grades), students must complete a Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) and a number of non-curricular requirements. All non-curricular requirements must be taken with a provider approved by NYSED and may require a fee. More information is available here: Teacher Certification Information.

Advanced Certificate Coordinator
Aileen Wilson

Diane Sim (MFA Painting/Advanced Certificate in Art and Design Education 2018) teaching in the Middle School Portfolio class in the Saturday Art School.
Diane Sim (MFA Painting/Advanced Certificate in Art and Design Education 2018) teaching in the Middle School Portfolio class in the Saturday Art School.
Student-teacher distributing work to high school students.
Student-teacher distributing work to high school students.
Headshot of Aileen Wilson. She is wearing a red blouse and smiling towards the camera.

Aileen Wilson

Chairperson of Art and Design Education
