Data Protection
All faculty are required to complete the two Data Protection processes. Each requires that you acknowledge and sign. The first is required by Pratt Institute, the second by New York State Department of Education (NYSED).
Data Protection – On Campus
Data Protection (Pratt Institute-facing)
All ADE faculty are required to sign and acknowledge an understanding of the need for confidentiality and non-disclosure of confidential information while teaching students who are completing their on campus fieldwork and/or undertaking their clinical experiences while they are students.
Data Guidance Document – Read and Agree
Data Protection – Off Campus
Ed Law (Public School-facing)
All faculty are required by New York State Education Department (NYSED) to undertake a training to indicate that they know and understand that in New York State, Education Law Section 2-d exceeds FERPA by requiring additional protections of pupil’s data as well as teacher and principal annual professional performance (“APPR”) data.
At completion of the training, all faculty are required to acknowledge and sign a document indicating that they accept the following conditions regarding confidentiality and non-disclosure of confidential information while teaching students who are completing their clinical experiences in New York City Public Schools (the “school”) as part of their coursework at Pratt Institute.