- Pratt in Puerto Rico
- ADE 401/601 Community Matters offered in the spring includes a spring break to Puerto Rico. In addition to a deep dive into Puerto Rican history and politics, students will participate in a series of cultural activities and enjoy unstructured time to explore San Juan and surrounding areas. Students will engage with a community-based organization and advance their knowledge of their discipline area through making explicit connections between academic learning and a community-based experience in a study-away program. Students work and learn alongside professionals in public schools or community based organizations. Students will interact with artists in studio visits, and with art curators and museum professionals at the Museum of Art and Design Miramar or the Museum of Contemporary Art. The program is open to all students. Priority is given to students from the following programs: Art and Design Education UG and G majors, Teaching in NYC minors; and Museum and Gallery Practices minors. Information sessions are held
- Pratt in Portugal
- A semester-long exchange with Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal. Students take coursework in art and design education and studio electives at the University. The exchange also offers unique opportunities including student teaching in a Lisbon public high school teaching visual art (in English) and/or an internship with the Gulbenkian Foundation. Open to ADE majors only: juniors enrolled in the BFA in Art and Design Education during the spring semester of their senior year, and graduates in the BFA/MA in Art and Design Education students in the final semester of their 5th year are eligible. Information sessions are held mid-fall, students apply a year ahead of their intended semester of travel.
Questions about any of these opportunities?
Aileen Wilson
Chair, Art and Design Education