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Graduate Fine Arts facilities are outstanding. Students have individual studios located in the Pfizer Building, a renovated industrial building that also houses our fabrication shops. We have a wood shop, metal shop, plaster-mold making shop, and a light studio for documenting artwork as well as installation and exhibition spaces. We also have a large communal critique space with computers, a printer, and a lounge with a kitchen.  

On the main campus, we have a fully equipped wood shop, metal shop, printmaking and ceramics studios, and a digital output lab with high-resolution scanners and printers (shared with MFA Photography), as well as dedicated campus galleries which are utilized in the spring semester for second-year students to mount individual thesis exhibitions. There are many opportunities to show work in a variety of traditional and non-traditional spaces both on campus and in the Pfizer building, students are encouraged to organize, curate, and participate in a wide range of exhibitions.

The Fine Arts Galleries

Steuben and Dekalb galleries host Fine Arts Thesis exhibitions and special projects while providing curatorial opportunities to students, faculty, and alumni.

BHI# 08-053 Pratt College – Fall 2008 Campus Coverage