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Graphic Design

Image Courtesy of Jason Heuer

Communicate your message with typography, layout, color, and image. Master an industry standard: Adobe CC. Choose from a wide selection of electives and develop a multidisciplinary practice. Build a professional design portfolio and launch your career.

This program features small, interactive classes, real-time instruction (either in-person, or on Zoom), free access to software for remote use, and free access to designated campus labs. Students will earn a certificate upon successful completion of all required courses.

Approximate cost of the certificate is $8000.
Learn about Finance Options here.

Certificate Requirements

  • Introduction to Graphic Design
  • Introduction to Typography
  • Brand Design and Corporate Identity
  • Graphic Design Portfolio

Adobe Creative Cloud (select three)

  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator Advanced
  • Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
  • Introduction to Photoshop
  • Photoshop Advanced

Electives (select 1 class from the following programs)

A required class may be substituted for an elective class with prior approval

Graphic Design classes also fulfill elective requirements of the following programs:

For advisement contact: