Make a real world impact. Focus through a wide–whole systems thinking–lens that prioritizes people and the natural environment. Leverage sustainable design theory, practice, processes, and materials across disciplines to build an interdisciplinary portfolio that prioritizes sustainability.
This program features small, interactive classes, real-time instruction (either in-person, or on Zoom), free access to software for remote use, and free access to designated campus labs. Students will earn a certificate upon successful completion of all required courses.
Approximate cost of the certificate: $6,000-$7000
Learn about Finance Options here.
Certificate Requirements
- BioDesign and Biomimicry
- Introduction to Sustainable Design: Processes and Materials
- Sustainable Design Theory and Practice
Electives (select one class from any of the following programs)
- AI Design
- CAD Design
- Creative Interiors
- Exhibition Design
- Fine Art
- Furniture Design
- Grad Prep
- Human-Centered Design
- Digital Product Design
A required class may be substituted for an elective class with prior approval
Sustainable Design classes also fulfill elective requirements of the following programs:
For advisement contact: