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Curriculum and Courses


All Summer Immersion students enroll in two classes from the list below. When completing the application, students will rank their top three course choices. These hands-on classes explore the diverse disciplines available at Pratt and are taught by Pratt faculty using state-of-the-art equipment and facilities across campus. The courses are modeled after Pratt’s undergraduate curriculum and award 4 college credits accepted at most colleges and universities.

Students are in class four days a week from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Students should anticipate spending 2-4 hours each evening working on class assignments. Co-curricular programming includes guided studio hours with Pratt degree students who help with class assignments and provide feedback before critiques.

Commuter students can choose to attend studio hours or expect to spend an equal amount of time completing homework at home. Please note that some assignments may require special tools available only during scheduled studio times.

The Courses

All PreCollege students are automatically enrolled in two classes. Please note that some classes require a foundation course as the second concentration.