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SS-260 Applied Child and Adolescent Development

3 Credits

  • SS-260-01


    9:00 am – 11:50 am

    DeKalb Hall, 308

  • SS-260-M1


    6:30 pm – 9:20 pm

    MWP - Studio Building, 240

This course introduces students to the field of child and adolescent development by examining the application of various theoreical frameworks with the aim of understanding and promoting psychological growth and development. We survey classical psychological paradigms, examine research in applied settings, explore assessment approaches, and identify contemporary social issues which bear direct relevance on development of children and adolescents in the 21st century. We examine how research can inform educational practices, parenting decisions, public policy, and help design interventions for improving children's and youth's welfare as well as quality of life. This course includes 10 hours of fieldwork observations in the Art and Design Education Department's Saturday Art School, a laboratory school for children ages 6-18 years old on the Brooklyn campus.