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ADE-618 Contemporary Museum Education

3 Credits

This class provides an in-depth theoretical and practical understanding of the growing field of museum education. It includes an examination of the changes occurring in art educational paradigms within the museum world, the evolving nature of museums as institutions with educational missions, along with learning and interpretive theories unique to the museum context. The class provides an extensive hands-on component devoted to the special methods, practices and skills associated with teaching with artworks, and in designing educational projects, programs and innovative learning experiences within the art museum settings. The course also explores critical issues facing the field through theory, practice and the analysis of case studies, including audience diversity, collaboration with schools and communities, the rethinking of museum missions and practices, and the use of new technologies. In addition to the examination of theories underlying contemporary museum education, the course will constitute a strong practicum preparing artists’ and designers’ museum education work. Finally, the course also introduces the contemporary threads in the reconceptualization of museum education as artistic practice at the intersection of institutional critique and participatory and social practice. The course aims to broaden educational horizons and critical perspectives, while equipping students with practical strategies in new learning environments. Many classes will be held in NYC museums, where students will work with objects in various collections, and where they will interact with a variety of museum professionals.