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DDA-606B Graduate Seminar II

3 Credits

  • DDA-606B-01


    3:30 pm – 6:20 pm

    Myrtle Hall, 4E -03

  • DDA-606B-02


    2:00 pm – 4:50 pm

This course is designed to immerse students in the critical discourse and practice of digital art. The students will formulate and hone their thesis ideas and studio practice as they gain theoretical fluency. The course format will combine seminar sessions, guest lectures, student presentations and field trips. Guest critics will be visiting throughout the year. Students will begin to consider their thesis work at the beginning of this semester which they will continue to explore and develop throughout the first year. Students will be given a required summer reading list with which they will be immediately engaged at the beginning of the semester. In this second semester, students continue critical and theoretical development while assembling a body of work and preparing to present their project) ideas to their Thesis committee.