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INFO-654 Information Technologies

3 Credits

  • INFO-654-01


    11:30 am – 2:20 pm

    Manhattan - W14, 606

  • INFO-654-02


    3:00 pm – 5:50 pm

    Manhattan - W14, 606

  • INFO-654-03


    6:30 pm – 9:20 pm

    Manhattan - W14, 606

  • INFO-654-04

This course introduces core computing technologies, including hardware, software applications, Internet/web technologies, and assistive technologies. Topics essential to the work done by information professionals will be highlighted: web technologies, database concepts, markup languages, data management, and design and accessibility. Students will conduct frequent hands-on activities to acquire skills that are immediately applicable to working with information technologies. Students will critically assess information technologies, through the evaluation of technology-related current events and computing trends, including the potential for ethical, environmental, and/or societal impacts.