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COMD-105FSP Introduction to Graphic Design

1 Credits

  • COMD-105FSP-01

  • COMD-105FSP-02


    2:00 pm – 4:50 pm

    Manhattan - W14, 517

  • COMD-105FSP-1V

  • COMD-105FSP-2V


    2:00 pm – 4:50 pm

    Online, ONLINE

Explore the impact of design and what makes a design successfulin an ever-changing society. Learn basic design principles, computer graphics, and waysof thinking and seeing to create memorable, influential works. The course focuses onimagination, research methods, creative concepts, content development, and clearpoint- of-view through a series of projects. Design is world-making; from the typeface tothe images chosen, seeking to create narratives with intention. Complete design projectstoward your portfolio.