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HAD-321 Medieval Visual Culture

3 Credits

  • HAD-321-01


    9:00 am – 11:50 am

    East Hall, 312

This course addresses the history of medieval art and architecture in Europe from approximately 300-1300. It will examine art made by Early Christians. Byzantines, and Early Medieval migratory groups including the Vikings, as well as the development of the Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque, and Gothic styles. The course will integrate non-Christian art, notably Islamic art from Spain, Andalusia, Sicily, and northern Africa and emphasis will be given to artwork that demonstrated interaction between Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions. A wide range of media including metalwork, manuscripts, mural and panel paintings will be considered, alongside monasteries, cathedrals, and castles. The material will be examined through major social and political themes, such as the development of feudalism and the emergence of monarchies, but issues of gender, race, and cross-cultural contact, especially with Islamic regions, will be given prominence.