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INFO-675 Museum and Library Outreach

3 Credits

  • INFO-675-01


    6:30 pm – 9:20 pm

    Manhattan - W14, 213

In this course, we will the study the design and implementation of outreach programs to educational communities by libraries and museums. We will pay special attention to the ways in which currents in museum education can be applied to librarianship. Topics to be considered will include contemporary pedagogical and curatorial theory, the relationships between libraries and museums with education in the current funding environment, the provision of online educational materials, and the diversity of educational communities and their needs. Special attention will be paid to the ways that these programs can assist schools in meeting national, state, and local learning standards. As part of their coursework students will design educational materials, compare programs in area museums and libraries, and design a complete educational experience to accompany an exhibition or library collection currently available in New York City.