HMS-463 Postcoloniality and Aesthetics
3 Credits
9:30 am â 12:20 pm
North Hall, 113
"Postcoloniality" marks a temporal and epistemic shift from colonization, while stressing that colonial wounds continue to vibrate across time and geographies. In this course, we look at how art (film, dramatic texts, performance, and visual art), analyzed through the lens of post-colonial theory, allows us to understand the legacies of colonialism and the sites of exclusion and exploitation created by global capital today. The artists and scholars we will encounter this semester work in the postcolonial contexts of Asian, African, Latin-American, and Caribbean nations. Towards the end of the semester, we engage related fields of decolonial studies, Indigenous resurgence, and radical Black Studies. This is a praxis-based course. As such, assignments will include creative and artistic as well as analytical responses to course material.