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FA-310 Professional Practices

3 Credits

  • FA-310-01


    2:00 pm – 6:20 pm

    Main Building, 503

  • FA-310-02


    2:00 pm – 6:20 pm

    South Hall, 105

  • FA-310-03


    9:00 am – 1:20 pm

    Activities Resource Center, C -06

  • FA-310-04


    2:00 pm – 6:20 pm

    Activities Resource Center, E -04

  • FA-310-05


    9:00 am – 1:20 pm

    Main Building, 503

  • FA-310-06


    2:00 pm – 6:20 pm

    Main Building, 503

This course is an introduction to the multifaceted professional art world. Students will engage with various participants in that world, including professional artists, curators, critics, and gallery directors. Through these encounters, readings, discussions and directed assignments students will learn about the contexts, strategies and requirements for promoting their work in the art marketplace and maintaining a career as a working professional artist.