The spring 2022 issue of the student-run literary magazine The Prattler is now available in print and online. Themed on “Education,” it includes stories on the depth of resources in Pratt Libraries, a comparison between students studying art and medicine, and a student’s experience coming to New York from Puerto Rico.
The Daily Hub
A roundup of ideas and projects from around the Institute
Supertall: How the World’s Tallest Buildings Are Reshaping Our Cities and Our Lives by Stefan Al, visiting associate professor in Graduate Architecture and Urban Design (GAUD), is out now from W. W. Norton. Al spoke about the book on American Public Media’s Marketplace, and it was reviewed in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
The BFA Sculpture & Integrated Practices Thesis Show is now on view through May 8 on the Brooklyn campus in the DeKalb Gallery and Schafler Gallery. See more @prattfineart.
The Brooklyn Rail reviewed From Forces to Forms which is on view at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery through April 27. The exhibition explores the nature of form by engaging with the potent forces and processes of nature.
Historic Preservation students visited EverGreene Architectural Arts Studio as part of their Materials Conservation class and explored Central Park to observe how materials change over time. The class is led by faculty members Theodore Prudon and Debora Barros. See more @prattpreservation.
Longtime industrial design faculty member Scott VanderVoort, BID ’98, has a solo show at Art Cake in Brooklyn. On view through April 20, it includes the artist’s recent paintings and sculptures.
Through September 3 in Reset: Towards a New Commons at the Center for Architecture in Manhattan, design teams that include several School of Architecture faculty members and students are exhibiting ideas for how spaces could be designed for all. Faculty David Burney, Caitlin Cahill, Jerrod Delaine, and Deborah Gans, and students Catherine Chattergoon and Jared Rice, worked on Re:Play Reclaiming the Commons Through Play. Faculty Karen Kubey worked on Aging Against the Machine.
Madelen Nyau, BFA Fashion Design ’21, won the second annual Season Zero design competition. The initiative by the LA-based retailer Fred Segal and Black in Fashion Council supports emerging Black designers. See more @prattfashion.
Today is the last day to catch the Emergency Housing exhibition in the Juliana Curran Terian Design Center Gallery. The class led by Visiting Associate Professor Kevin Walz explores housing modules for victims of natural disasters caused by global warming and climate change. See more @prattinteriors.
Joanna Yuan Gong, BFA Jewelry ’16, was featured in a New York Times story about five leading women in the jewelry industry. After studying jewelry design in New York City, metal art in Tokyo, gem mining in Myanmar, the emerald trade in Columbia, and gemstone-cutting in Thailand, she joined Sotheby’s in 2019 as a private sales director and jewelry specialist.