Akua Amponsah, MSLIS + MA History of Art and Design ’28, has been awarded the ALA Spectrum Scholarship and has received a matching scholarship from the School of Information. Awardees were evaluated on their “commitment to community building, leadership potential, and planned contributions to making social justice part of everybody’s everyday work in LIS.”
The Daily Hub
A roundup of ideas and projects from around the Institute
Professor of Fine Arts Steve Locke was featured recently in Art in America and on the David Zwirner Podcast. He was also listed among Helen Molesworth’s Artforum Top Ten Best of 2024.
A project by Gans and Company, founded by Deborah Gans, professor of undergraduate architecture, was featured in The Architect’s Newspaper and Time Out. The firm designed a new planned garden for Brooklyn Children’s Museum. The outdoor space will “bring the play and interactive elements the museum is known for outdoors,” reports The Architect’s Newspaper.
The EnergyFit program, co-created by the Pratt Center for Community Development, Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation, and IMPACCT Brooklyn, was featured in The City for helping Brooklyn homeowners make energy-efficient and long-overdue repairs. “A lot of these households are in communities that have been disinvested in for a long time, where people are house-rich, cash-poor, and have fallen so far behind on maintenance that to even be able to start moving towards electrification and efficiency, you’ve got to solve these other home maintenance problems,” said Rebekah Morris-Gonzalez, director of climate initiatives at Pratt. “The benefits that will accrue are not just around carbon reductions. It is really about health improvements to households and comfort.”
Visiting Assistant Professor and Temporary Department Coordinator of Fine Arts Yasmeen Abdallah, MFA Fine Arts ’15, reviewed recent exhibitions for Art Spiel.
Jason Karolak, BFA ’97, completed an Albers Foundation Thread Residency in Senegal.
Lisa Corinne Davis, BFA ’80, was named a recipient of a 2024 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship.
Alumnus and 2022 Pratt Legends Honoree Arem Duplessis served as a judge for the W. Eugene Smith Fund’s 2024 Grants in Humanistic Photography.
Senior Thesis film Entre o Céu e a Terra by Bruna Braga, BFA Film ’24, was named Panelist Choice for Best Film in the Student Experimental Film Festival.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Photography Matthew Leifheit was interviewed about his work with queer archives. He was also featured in the Daily Gazette.