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As an Industrial Designer at Pratt, you’ll actively contribute to a more just and sustainable future through the things you make. Your work will transcend traditional borders—from furniture and sneakers, to digital experiences and interfaces—turning ideas into products for a better world.

a detail photograph of a metal frame of a bench with slats running across it.

Work by Chan Sung Lee, BID ’19


Pen for insulin injections. Work by Julia Liverton, BID’ 20. Winner of Conscious Design Award 2020


The Future of Takeout, group project at Times Square, 2018


Ours is a program for makers and innovators

Our Bachelor’s program is an entrepreneurial endeavor that doesn’t just encourage tinkering and experimentation—it demands it. Throughout your four years here, you’ll develop critical skills in 3D form, model making, color, and digital design to create products and systems that are equally beautiful, functional, and sustainable.

Faced with global-scale challenges, industrial designers are poised to have an outsized impact on our future

Our Master’s program is designed to turn professionals from a wide range of fields into design leaders ready to meet this moment with confidence. Whether you choose to enter the industry or pave your own path as an entrepreneur, you’ll leave with the tools you need for a meaningful career.