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Appropriate(d) Interiors Book*Talk

March 23, 2022 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM


PANELISTS | Graeme Brooker, Carlos Bartolo, Senem Yildirim Evsen, Alessandra Gola, Harriet Mckay, Joel Sanders, Irina Schneid, Igor Siddiqui & Jo Turney

ORGANIZERS | Anca Lasc, Erica Morawski, Karyn Zieve, Deborah Schneiderman, Keena Suh, Karin Tehve

Appropriate(d) Interiors Book Talk Zoom Link

Appropriate(d) Interiors
Book Purchase

Appropriate(d) Interiors uncovers the ways interiors participate explicitly and implicitly in embedded cultural and societal values and explores timely emergent scholarship in the fields of interior design history, theory, and practice.

What is “appropriate” and “inappropriate” now? These are terms with particular interest to the study of the interior. Featuring thirteen original curated essays, Appropriated Interiors explores the tensions between normative interiors that express the dominant cultural values of a society and interiors that express new, changing, and even transgressive values. With case studies from the late eighteenth century to the twenty-first century, these historians, theorists, and design practitioners investigate the implications of interior design as it relates to politics, gender, identity, spatial abstraction, cultural expression, racial expression, technology, and much more.

An informative read for students and scholars of design history and theory, this collection considers the standards, assumptions, codes, and/or conventions that need to be dismantled and how we can expand our understanding of the history, theory, and practice of interior design to challenge the status quo.


Deborah Schneiderman | Anca Lasc | Karin Tehve

Appropriate(d) Interiors *
Table of contents


Karin Tehve, Associate Professor, Interior Design Department, Pratt Institute

Section I Small

Section I Introduction: Keena Suh

01 Duvet Entendre: Getting in Bed with the Continentals: The Bedroom, Bedding, Pornography and the Common Market in 1970s Britain)

Jo Turney

02 This Is How We Live: [In]Appropriate Rooms/Nonconformist Apartment Exhibitions and the Case of the Communal Apartment, 1982 – 84

Senem Yildirim

03 The Material Culture of the Palestinian Duyuf

Alessandra Gola

04 A “Proper” Home: Channeling Political Values through Interior Design in a Dictatorship

Carlos Bártolo

Section II Medium

Section II Introduction: Karyn Zieve

05 Aesthetic Interiors within Institutional Interiors: The Art of Contemporary Queer Interventions

John Potvin

06 Appropriation or Appreciation: A New/COVID Street View

Deborah Schneiderman and Liliya Dzis

07 Oblique/Interior

Igor Siddiqui

08 Appropriation, Disintegration, Resurrection: Ponte City and South African Politics, 1975 – 2019

Harriet McKay

Section III Large

Section III Introduction: Erica Morawski

09 Architecture Afloat: The Collaborative Interiors of Orion and Orcades

Emily M. Orr

10 Regenerative Debris: Re-Collage and the Collective Memory of the Cut

Irina Schneid

11 Inner-propriations: Degrowing the Interior

Graeme Brooker

12 Alternative Futures: Questioning Design Standards

Joel Sanders