Film Screening + Panel: Rabble Rousers
November 3, 2023 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Higgins Hall Auditorium

Panelists: Kelly Anderson, filmmaker; Valerio Orselli, Cooper Square Committee, Project Director, This Land Is Ours Community Land Trust; Tito Delgado, Cooper Square Committee Board Member at Large
“Rabble Rousers” tells the story of how a working mother, Frances Goldin, and her neighbors fought back for over 5 decades against NYC’s 1959 “slum clearance plan” that would displace 2,400 working class, immigrant families, and small businesses from the Lower East Side. Forming the Cooper Square Committee (CSC) which evolved into the state’s first community land trust, today the Cooper Square Land Trust (CSLT) is a diverse, permanently affordable neighborhood in the heart of the “real estate capital of the world”.
Co-sponsors: Pratt Center for Community Development, Pratt Humanities and Media Studies
Moderator: Sylvia Morse, Program Manager, Pratt Center
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