November 2 – November 4, 2024 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Pratt Studios 401
The price of success is being copied and accusations that you copied others. Are you ready for these challenges?
If you as an entrepreneur are both smart and lucky, your business will start to attract customers, revenues, profits, as well as potential investors. But your success may cause competitors to copy your IP (Intellectual Property), and that competition can eat away at sales and profit margins.
Furthermore, the Big Companies you disrupted and others with their own IP will be seeking ways to sue you, to stop or slow you, or to siphon off part of your revenue.
IP Strategy should be fully integrated into a company’s business strategy, and that requires the knowledgeable involvement of the founders, creators, and top executives, not an isolated patent department.
“IP Fitness” is analogous to what we all should know about diet, exercise, and key symptoms of our health, without being medical professionals. The finance tools well taught in business schools should be supplemented with the tools and weapons of IP, so they can work for you, not against you.