Michael Mahoney Memorial Reading with Patricia Spears Jones
January 28, 2020 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

A reading and Q&A with guest, Patricia Spears Jones.
Spears Jones was named by Essence as one of its “40 Poets they Love” in 2010. She is author of the poetry collections Painkiller and Femme du Monde (Tia Chucha Press), The Weather That Kills (Coffee House Press), and five chapbooks including Living in the Love Economy. Her fourth collection A Lucent Fire: New and Selected Poems is out from White Pine Press (White Pine Press distinguished poets Series) which features her 2016 Pushcart Prize winning poem, “Etta James at the Audubon Ballroom.” She was a finalist for the William Carlos Williams Prize from the Poetry Society of America and the Patterson Prize from the Passaic County Community College. Her work is widely anthologized. In 2015 she received a Barbara Deming Memorial Fun Award for her memoir in progress.