Pratt Parallels: Arlene Keizer + Mrinalini Aggarwal
September 24, 2020 3:00 PM â 5:00 PM
This Pratt Parallels event will be a discussion between Arlene Keizer (Prof. Humanities and Media Studios Pratt Institute) + Mrinalini Aggarwal (Artist + 2018-2020 AICAD Fellow Pratt Institute), moderated by David Erdman (Chair GAUD) and Ariane Lourie Harrison (MS Coordinator GAUD).
Bringing together two influential thinkers and scholars from differing practices – media theory and fine arts, this informal and conversational talk will examine issues of representational sensibilities and their political implications. Keizer’s work on Kara Walker, her scholarship in African American, Carribean and American Literature and Aggarwal’s background as an Indian artist working in the United States on politically sensitive sites entitled “fields,” bridge issues of intersectionality across the practices of fine art, architecture and landscape architecture: through the specificity of design and the things we make. The discussion seeks to use content from the RE: Siding exhibition, the relationship of that work to reconfigured colonial styles and their proposed reconfiguring domestic patterns on Governors Island speculating upon their future post pandemic development and the complex historical origins of the island as its progenitor and departing point.
Similar to prior Pratt Parallels these are intended to be somewhat ad hoc and improvised conversations and sessions. In keeping with former Parallels on a boat in the NY Harbor, these are at Governors Island, off campus and limited in attendance capacity. Understood as a picnic salon, we hope that those of you that join us will bring blankets, refreshments etc to enjoy and participate in the conversation. Tours of the current RE:Siding Exhibition are also available, concurrent with the event.