School of Architecture Lectures: GAUD Pratt Sessions 11 – Allen and Somol
November 12, 2018 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Graduate Architecture and Urban Design welcomes Stan Allen, 2018-2019 GAUD Critic at Large and Robert E. Somol from the University of Illinois Chicago, to continue the discussion on New Architectural Contexts. Allen and Somol both have variegated practices ranging from architectural design to writing and curation. As voices that have defined and shaped both past and present ideas in the discipline and profession, they are first and foremost renowned critics, connoisseurs, and provocateurs of architectural thinking whose formats of practice implicate a broad range of ways in which architecture impacts cultural discourse; and vice versa. They are brought together in the Pratt Sessions series due their mutual and overlapping interests in “architectural influence,” and, specifically, for their practice in examining how influence shapes the cultural, aesthetic, and methodological contexts in which architecture operates. The presentations and discussion following are certain to provide insight as to whether or not “influence” matters today—a question worthy of exploring in an age of rampant visual culture where disciplinary origins are often obscured if not challenging to locate. We hope you will join us for what is certain to be an invigorated evening and discussion.
Pop Up Exhibition with artists David Diao (nominated by Stan Allen) and Gary Schafter (nominated by Robert Somol) will be on display in the lobby throughout the event.
This event is also concurrent with Robert Irwin: Site Determined on display in the gallery until November 28.
Reception to follow with beer from KCBC brewery and food from Korilla BBQ.
November 15 – School of Architecture Lectures: GAUD Pratt Sessions 12 – DeLanda and Harman