Pratt is hosting our next Blood Drive on Tuesday, January 31st, 3pm to 9pm on the 1st floor of Willoughby Hall, in the “No Name Café” (off the lobby, past the piano).
The need for blood donors in New York City is always high, so all donors have an immediate impact! You don’t need an appointment ahead of time, even if you’ve never donated before.
Donating a pint of blood takes around 45 minutes, including signing up once you’re there, a mini-health screening, and the donation process. (Bring a State-issued ID with you.)
Most importantly, one pint of blood can help three people in need, from someone having surgery, to a cancer patient, to a new born baby.
We continue to encourage our community members who are unable to donate to send/bring a friend for an “Ally Donation” on your behalf. (Potential blood donors may be ineligible to give blood for a variety of reasons, including gay men, due to a US FDA ban from 1983.)
Please consider donating on Tuesday, January 31st, from 3 to 9pm. You can bring a friend and/or send an ally donor too.
Thank you for your support of this great cause, and best wishes in our new Spring semester.