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10 Tips for First-Year Success

two students, in lab, working with plants, artworks in room in background
  1. We are living and learning in times like no other; approach your education, your classroom, your peers and your faculty with empathy, patience, and an open mind.
  2. Challenge yourself; open yourself up to experimentation and learning through failure.
  3. Visit the museums and galleries of New York regularly.
  4. Learn to ask questions to get the information you want. Talk to as many people as you can.
  5. Learn to effectively manage your time. Start your projects early; don’t wait until the night before something is due.
  6. Stay as healthy as possible. Eat good food and get exercise. Take breaks from your screen(s).
  7. Sleep—you do have time.
  8. Stay in touch with your faculty. Share with us on instagram @PrattFoundation
  9. Work on your projects with friends; get to know your foundation community. Your first-year peers will help you build a successful academic career throughout your time at Pratt.
  10. “Be true to your work and your work will be true to you.” —Charles Pratt
Don’t Forget:
  1. Read your Pratt email!
  2. Sign up for the Pratt Emergency Alert on your account.