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Math Placement Exam

General Exam Information

The Math Placement Exam (MPE) is administered each year to allow students to qualify for a variety of courses which require mathematical competency in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

This exam requires the student to bring their own laptop or tablet. Please contact if you cannot provide your own laptop or tablet.

Scheduled MPE sessions

The Math Placement exam will be given during Orientation week:

  • Architecture Students: August 20th, 2024 at Higgins Hall Auditorium or ARC E2
  • Construction Management Students: August 20th, 2024 at Higgins Hall Auditorium or ARC E2

Signing up for the MPE

Students who need to take the MPE should request to take the exam as follows:

  • Undergraduate Architecture students should contact UG Architecture Administrative Clerk Latoya Johnson.
  • Construction Management students should contact CM Assistant to the Chair Philip Ramus.
  • All other students (including those in the Schools of Art and Design) please contact Math and Science Assistant to the Chair Hailey Isaacs at

MPE format and topics

The MPE focuses on topics in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and has 45 questions. Each question is multiple choice and has one answer. There is no partial credit given.

MPE rules and administration

At the beginning of the exam session, the exam proctor will check your Pratt ID to assure that you are the person listed on the exam roster. Throughout the exam, you can ask the MPE Coordinator to help you with any questions or technical issues you are experiencing.

The following rules are in effect during each MPE session:

  • Students must take the exam during a single 2.5-hour exam session. Students may use this time to complete the exam in any order.
  • Students are not allowed to use any form of outside assistance, including but not limited to:
    • Help from other people, direct or indirect; and
    • The use of the internet.
  • Students may use a calculator during the exam, Only scientific calculators are allowed: graphing and/or computer algebra system (CAS) calculators are not allowed. 
  • Phones may not be used at any time for any purpose during the exam period, this includes as a calculator.
  • No camera, digital or film, may be used at any time during the exam period. This includes any recording app available on the device being used for the exam. 

If you require accommodations for testing but have not yet registered with the Learning/Access Center (L/AC), please reach out to them at  Students who have L/AC letters that entitle them to accommodations during the MPE should contact the MPE Coordinator well in advance of their scheduled MPE session, providing their L/AC letter. We will provide all accommodations listed in L/AC letters to students who provide their L/AC letter at least one week before the scheduled exam.

Frequently Asked Questions about the MPE

Who needs to take the MPE?

Students must pass the MPE prior to registering for:

  • MSCI-300 (Calculus) – required of all Construction Management students, post-CORE elective for other students
  • ARCH-231 (Statics and Strength of Materials) – required of all undergraduate Architecture students

If I have questions about the MPE, who should I contact?

All inquiries regarding the format, administration, and grading of the MPE should be made to Hailey Isaacs

All inquiries regarding MPE scheduling or scores reporting to the Registrar should be made to Math & Science Assistant Hailey Isaacs

Do I need to be on campus to take the MPE?

YES, although exceptions will be made for students with demonstrated need to take the exam remotely.

If I fail my first attempt at the MPE, what are my options?

All students will receive detailed results for their exams. The reports will detail areas of strength and areas where improvement can be made. If a student fails to pass the exam in the August they must

  • Sign up for and pass MATH-150 (Algebra and Trigonometry).
  • Wait for the retake announcement for the Spring semester. Students may not take the MPE more than twice. If both attempts are failed, they must sign up for MATH-150.

I may need accommodations on the MPE; how do I assure that I receive these accommodations?

If you require accommodations for testing but have not yet registered with the Learning/Access Center (L/AC), please reach out to them at The L/AC makes all determinations for testing accommodations. We will honor all accommodations required in your L/AC letter. If you already have an L/AC letter that specifies testing accommodations, please send it to Math & Science Assistant to the Chair Hailey Isaacs so that we can make arrangements for you to take the MPE with the support of L/AC staff.

Are there any ways to be exempted from taking the MPE?

Students who have already taken MATH-150 or its equivalent at another higher education institution do not have to take the MPE.

Students who have taken the Advanced Placement (AP) exam for either of the Calculus levels (AB or BC) and scored a 4 or higher do not need to take the MPE. Students who have taken any of the High-Level International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics exams and scored a 5 or higher do not need to take the MPE. All AP and IB scores used to test out of the MPE must be reported to the Registrar’s Office in order to be considered.