Sirovich Family Student Scholar – Ananda Ray
STEAMplant Faculty Members – Andréa DeFelice & Blake Marques Carrington
Artist’s Statement
KEEPER is an AI-powered assistant that is specifically designed to focus on the cultural and historical experiences of Black people. It is built on a foundation of personal stories, family and collective history, memory, Black thoughts on Utopia, hope, joy, and many other concepts that are often overlooked. It focuses on capturing the unique thoughts and perspectives of diverse Black individuals. While it covers all aspects of Black history, it primarily emphasizes the everyday lives of Black people and their perspectives.
KEEPER also has a sculptural installation element that integrates LED Lights and has many parts. To set this AI apart from many other advanced technologies, I recorded my own voice and added a variety of vocal modifications. When KEEPER speaks to participants, it generates a visual response within the sculptural component, generating an animation and three distinct colors. Using color as a means of communication, KEEPER can not only speak but also communicate in a way that is familiar to us, thus helping participants recognize the AI’s active role.
KEEPER’S purpose is to be an AI that is built on the voices and perspectives of the Black community and to shape a counternarrative to what is taught about black people, giving voice to a multitude of black experiences and thoughts showing that Black people are not monolithic in our personal and collective histories.

Afrofuturism and technological inquiry are the focuses of my artistic practice, guided by a deep desire to understand the complexities of race, society, and culture in relation to technology. Delving deep into the historical legacies of colonization, slavery, and systemic racism, I confront the ways in which these forces continue to shape our digital landscapes and perpetuate inequalities, especially for marginalized communities. By excavating hidden narratives and exposing structural injustices, my art serves as a resource, challenging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and envision alternative futures.
Through mediums such as game engines, virtual and augmented reality, physical computation, and mixed media installations, I create immersive environments that blur the boundaries between the real and the imagined. These interactive experiences serve as portals into alternative realities, where viewers are encouraged to question established norms, challenge dominant narratives, and envision new possibilities for collective liberation.