We are in the process of developing the newest module for The Mindfulness Collaboratory. The development of this module and associated resources has been funded by The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation and Pratt’s Faculty Development Fund.
The curriculum design for women, will allow them to be equipped with the foundations of mindfulness and the ability to apply wellness in times of acute and chronic stress as leaders at home and at work. Learning outcomes of the curriculum will demonstrate participant’s ability to innovate ways within the context of American Buddhism to nurture mindfulness and perseverance such as how to: 1) cultivate a clear, calm and concentrated mind, 2) develop and implement a self-care logic model, 3) create a resilience leadership model, and 4) apply self-care, resilience, mindfulness to workflow and personal energy flow. These skills and the foundations of mindfulness will help trainees progress from emergency reactivity to present moment responsiveness, recover from burnout, and reflexively employ contemplative leadership skills that are integral to success.
This readiness to establish the consistent daily practice of mindfulness, resiliency, and contemplative leadership as lifestyle and mindset changes, and the foundational tenets of practice and lived experience with each other, will provide the graduates the qualifications as instructors of these skills within their own respective circles of influence, at work, at home, or elsewhere in their communities. This proposed curriculum on the lived experience of mindfulness , within a train-the-trainer model is the most effective way of ensuring that the benefits and legacy of meditation and contemplative self-empowerment are continually passed forward from one woman to the next, and widely shared.
Project Timeline:
Spring 2024: Held focus groups to gain insight into key ideas and direct experiences of our target demographics
Summer and Fall 2024: Curriculum development
Fall 2024 and Winter 2025: Resource development
Check back here for updates on the project and learn how you can get involved!