Adrian Shirk
Adjunct Associate Professor - CCE

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Adrian Shirk is an Adjunct Associate Professor with CCE in the Writing Department. She has taught writing workshops and special topics courses across a wide variety of genres, and she serves as the Writing Lives & Internship Coordinator for the BFA Writing program, offering a selection of professional development and experiential learning seminars. She is the author of two works of creative nonfiction, AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY (Counterpoint Press, 2017), a hybrid-memoir exploring American women prophets and spiritual celebrities, and HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH (Counterpoint Press, 2022), a personal odyssey of American utopian experiments. Her essays have appeared in The Atlantic, Catapult, Lit Hub, and others. She was assistant editor at Wilder Quarterly (2011 – 2014), and a founding editor of the erstwhile small press The Corresponding Society and its biannual journal Correspondence. She lives in the Catskills, where she helps run an artists’ cooperative called The Mutual Aid Society.
BFA, 2011, Writing, Pratt Institute
MFA, 2014, Creative Writing, University of Wyoming
Publications and Projects
And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy: Stories from the Byways of American Women and Religion (Counterpoint Press, 2017)
Heaven is a Place on Earth: Searching for an American Utopia (Counterpoint Press, 2022)