Catherine Ingraham

Chair of Graduate Architecture, Pratt Institute 1999-2005. Editor, Assemblage, 1991-98. Author, Architecture’s Theory (MIT Press, 2023), Architecture, Animal, Human (Routledge Press, 2006) and Architecture and the Burdens of Linearity (Yale University Press, 1998). Guest Editor, Issue 3, Khorein, Architecture and Philosophy journal at the University of Belgrade; Recipient, New York State Council on the Arts grant 2007; Canadian Center for Architecture research fellowship, 2005; Graham Foundation grants 1987 and 2005; NEA grant 1992; SOM research fellowship, Chicago, 1988-90; MacDowell Colony residencies (4) 2001-2007. Winner, with Laurie Hawkinson, of design competition for Museum of Women’s History, Battery Park City, New York 2001. Author of over fifty articles on architectural theory and history published in academic journals, book collections and other publications. Invited lectures, seminars, symposia at over sixty national and international universities. Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University 1991 and 1993; Graduate School of Architecture, Columbia University 1989 and 1990. Editor, with Marco Diani, of Restructuring Architectural Theory (Northwestern University Press, 1988)
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
M.A., Johns Hopkins University
B.A., St Johns College
Publications and Projects
Guest Editor, Khorein, Journal for Architecture and Philosophy, Issue 3, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, The University of Belgrade, 2024.
Essay for new publication Journal for Architecture and Philosophy, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, The University of Belgrade, 2023.
Essay in Inscriptions: Architecture before Speech, Eds. Michael Hays and Andrew Holder (Cambridge: Graduate School of Architecture, 2022)
“The Territory of Ambiguity.” Foreword for essay collection Ambiguous Territories (New York: Actar Press, 2022)
“What can Detroit Afford,” in Citizen publication, 2018, Ed. Sarah Whiting, in process
“Architecture and property,” Volume 42 (New York: Archis, AMO, C-Lab, CURE) ed. Jesse Keenan, Columbia University, New York, 2015
“Signature Architecture,” in Monolith Controversies, eds. Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola (Published by Pavilion de Chile, 14th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale Di Venezia 2014)
“Faculty of Omnipotence,” in Architecture and the Return of Nature, ed. Erika Naginski and Preston Scott Cohen, (London: Routledge) 2014
“What is Not Nature?” in TARP, Graduate School of Architecture journal, Pratt Institute, New York, Spring 2012
“Architecture and Property: “Happy Together?” Invited chapter in Architecture and…, The University of Edinburgh School of Architecture publication, Volume 1, winter 2008
“Is There Life After Modernity?” Invited chapter in Pidgin 6, Princeton University School of Architecture publication, 2008
“Takings,” in FutureAnterior (Columbia Journal of Historic Preservation), University of Minnesota Press, 2008
“Nothing comes of Nothing,” in Perspecta 40, Yale University publication, 2008
“Last Man Standing,” in Log 15, Anyone Corporation, 2007.
“Expansive Resourcefulness,” in Log 8, Anyone Corporation, 2006.
“The Stock Exchange: Standing Upright, Idle,” Grey Room 15, eds. Reinhold Martin and Felicity Scott, Spring 2004
“Architecture Islands.” Invited chapter in Ambasz, ed. Michael Sorkin, (New York: Rizzoli Press, 2004)
“The Island of No Return,” in Log 1, Anyone Corporation, 2004.
“Architecture and Evidence,” invited chapter in Drifting: Architecture and Migrancy, ed.Stephen Cairns, (London: Routledge 2003)
“Birds in the Sky, Birds in the Hand,” invited chapter in Architecture and the Sciences: Exchanging Metaphors, eds. Antoine Picon and Alessandra Ponti, (New York: Princeton
Architectural Press, 2003) “The Discourse of Architecture,” Assemblage, January 2001
“The Burdens of Linearity,” in Architectural Theory since 1968, ed. K. Michael Hays, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999)
“Berlin Chair/Divan Table,” in Sherrie Levine/Joost van Oss, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, Fall 1999
“Architecture and the Scene of Evidence,” in Postcolonial Studies, Vol.1, No.2, Melbourne, Australia, 1998
“Architecture, Computers, Biology,” in The Interior, RIMA, Melbourne, Australia, Fall 1997
“Losing It in Architecture,” in The Architect: Reconstructing Her Practice, ed. Francesca Hughes, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996)