Christian Hawkey

Christian Hawkey has written several full-length poetry collections: THE BOOK OF FUNNELS, which won the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, Citizen Of (Wave Books), and most recently in 2021: SIFT (Action Books). He’s published several chapbooks, as well as the widely reviewed and celebrated cross-genre book VENTRAKL (Ugly Duckling Presse). A collaborative bi-lingual erasure made with the German poet Uljana Wolf, SONNE FROM ORT, appeared in 2013 (kookbooks verlag, Berlin). A selection of Ilse Aichinger’s short prose, BAD WORDS, translated with Uljana Wolf, appeared in 2019 (Seagull Books). He’s received the Creative Capital Innovative Literature Award, a NEA grant, and a DAAD Artist-in-Berlin Fellowship. His own work has been translated into over a dozen languages. He is currently at work on a co-translation (with Marouane Zakhir) of essays by the Moroccan philosopher Abdessalam Benabdelali, titled WRITINGS ON TRANSLATION, due to be published by Seagull Books’ Elsewhere Texts series edited by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Hosam Aboul-Ela.
B.A., Pepperdine University; M.F.A., University of Massachusetts at Amherst.