Christopher Collette
Visiting Assistant Professor

Christopher Collette is the founder and principal at Collettico, a consultancy specializing in content strategy, content development, and program management.
Sitting at the intersection of business strategy, technology, content, user-centered design, research, publishing, and brand, Christopher helps clients create sustainable, scalable digital content platforms and programs to help them achieve business and organizational goals. In both corporate and consulting roles, he’s led digital marketing and content strategy programs for leading corporations and organizations with a specific concentration in the B2B, professional and financial services, technology, and non-profit sectors.
In a career spanning more than 30 years in both digital and traditional media, he was practicing content strategy long before it had a name or was a discipline. A digital industry veteran, Christopher brings an integrated, holistic approach to content strategy, one that considers content creation, distribution, and governance across multiple channels, especially its interplay among digital, social, and traditional media. He works closely with clients to help them integrate content strategy into business operations, increase the effectiveness of the content they publish, and ultimately unlock that content’s value in connecting with customers, clients, and constituents.
A frequently sought-after speaker, he has delivered guest lectures, seminars, and webinars, and workshops on content strategy and digital leadership at leading industry events and forums, as well as at other leading academic institutions.
In addition to his teaching duties at Pratt Institute in the School of Information, Christopher has taught courses in content strategy at Columbia University in its Master of Science in Strategic Communications program and at the School of Visual Arts’ MFA in Interaction Design program. Previously, he taught strategic communications at Pratt Institute in both its Design Management and Arts and Cultural Management master’s degree programs.
BA, Denison University
MA, University of Cincinnati
MS, Library and Information Scicene, Pratt Institute