Gisela Baurmann
Adjunct Associate Professor

Gisela Baurmann practices and teaches architectural design in Europe and the US. She is founding partner of the architecture office Büro NY based in New York and Berlin.
Her research investigates fabrication techniques in the fibre arts as conceptual methods of design to generate structural and material proposals with local specificity.
Gisela Baurmann’s design, in collaboration with Jonas Coersmeier and Sawad Brooks, was chosen as finalist and first runner-up in the World Trade Center Memorial Competition, with over 5,200 participants the largest design competition in history.
Other awards include: New York State Council on the Arts Grant, Kinne Fellow Prize and Honor Award for Excellence in Design, Columbia University. Gisela was twice a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) and once a Fulbright Scholar. Recognized design competition entries are: Lecture Hall Complex, RWTH Aachen, finalist, New Silk Road Cultural Park, China, finalist, World Trade Center Memorial Competition runner-up, Green Plaza van Alen Institute competition, 2nd prize, among others.
Columbia University, Fulbright Scholarship
Master of Science In Advanced Architectural Design
Architectural Association London, Grant German Academic Exchange Service
Technical University Berlin, Germany
Diplom Ingenieur Degree Architecture and Urban Design
Registered Architect European Union, Architektenkammer Berlin
Publications and Projects
2013 Cornell Journal of Architecture: Mathematics “Crocheting Algorithms”, with mathematician Daina Taimina
2011 Pidgin 10 “Crocheting Algorithms”