Glenn Groglio
Visiting Instructor

Glenn Groglio is an accomplished graphic designer with decades of experience.
Since 2007 Glenn has been a design consultant, working on brands such as Exuviance, Neostrata, Johnson & Johnson, Keranique, MAM, Moxie & Co and Simon & Schuster to name a few.
Prior to his consulting business, Glenn’s experience was primarily in the corporate arena, where he held Creative Director positions for organizations including Lenox China, Merck, and Coty Beauty. Glenn began his career as Designer/ Creative Director at Dansk International Designs where he worked closely with Lou Dorfsman maintaining branding for the design-driven company.
His unique expertise has afforded him the ability to create compelling and successful brand experience solutions. He is a life-long student of pop culture and likes to “color outside of the lines”.
Of the many disciplines of graphic design, packaging design has always been the most interesting to Glenn. He believes packaging is a crucial element of product marketing and because it typically involves 3D structure, graphics, color, typography, photography, materials, production and printing, it can be the most rewarding.
Of all the accomplishments in Glenn’s career, helping his students learn to grow and succeed has been the most gratifying.
Before joining Pratt, Glenn was an Instructor at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia Pa.
BFA Communication Design Pratt Institute