Philip Parker
Adjunct Associate Professor - CCE
Philip Parker an architect and educator is Adjunct Associate Professor, CCE in the Graduate Architecture and Urban Design Program. His projects work on the transformation of forms of representation in architecture and deal specifically with writing, program, and space in Crossings; material agency in Performing Glass, city and texts in Heterological Cities and have been exhibited, published, and purchased by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He has taught design studios and media theory & practice at a number of schools including Columbia University GSAPP as design faculty and Coordinator of Core Visual Studies, Princeton University, Ohio State University and RISD. His practice spans scales from furniture and building components to urban parks where projects have addressed the spaces, artifacts, and apparatus between territories including School Walls: Ground Glass, Louvered Zones, Rendering’s Passages, and Atlanta Hedgerows.
M. Arch., Yale University;
B.D., University of Florida